14 September 2021, Bangkok: TCEB joins hands with 7 alliances in the Carbon Balance Scheme to mutually promote zero carbon emission for events and tourism. A move is in line with BCG model of the Thai government and the global community. Statistics show that MICE activities, held from 2019 until present, have been able to reduce CO2 emission by more than 2,000 tons.

On 10 September 202, an MOU on Carbon Balance Scheme was signed by Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) and 7 alliance organisations to enhance the potential of events and tourism in achieving zero CO2 emission. The scheme is aimed at mitigating the impacts of climate change resulting from global warming. Besides TCEB, the signatories include Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (Public Organization) (Dasta), Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI), Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade of Thailand, Thai Ecotourism & Adventure Travel Association (TEATA), Program Management Unit Competitiveness (PMUC) and Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization) (TGO).
Mr. Chiruit Isarangkun Na Ayuthaya, President, Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (Public Organization) or TCEB, stated that despite the objective of zero CO2 emission for events and tourism under the cooperation of the 8 organisations, another key issue of this initiative is to develop MICE industry in line with the government’s policy on BCG Model (Bio-Circular-Green Economy). The model sets sight on achieving sustainable development with biological economy, renewable economy and green economy. TCEB has always prioritised sustainable MICE development and has, thus, integrated BCG Model with UN Sustainable Development Goals, in order to collaborate with all sectors in raising the potential of Thai MICE industry. The adoption of this model is also one of our major strategies in driving MICE in 2022.
The role of TCEB in this collaborative scheme is to promote meetings, incentive travel and exhibitions to achieve zero CO2 emission. Main responsibility is to extend the reach of the training courses to MICE entrepreneurs and educational sector nationwide. The courses have been developed by TCEB to create the awareness of the target groups in carbon calculation and compensation. Additionally, TCEB has collaborated with TGO to develop and improve CO2 footprint calculator which is more convenient and more user-friendly for events.
Moreover, TCEB has made public relations preparation to spotlight the benefits of zero or low CO2 events among the target groups - MICE entrepreneurs, educational sector and general public. TCEB will also support and encourage MICE entrepreneurs to realise the importance of Carbon Neutral Tourism and adopt it as part of MICE events.
TCEB has continued its priorities on environment and sustainable development. Green Meeting was launched in 2008 and was promoted to sustainable development in 2013. Later in 2015, a master plan was developed to transform Thailand into a sustainable MICE destination. One achievement of the plan is the promotion of knowledge on Carbon Neutral Event which has led to the calculation and reduction of CO2 in events and MICE activities. Since 2019 until the present day, there have been events and MICE activities able to reduce CO2 emission by more than 2,000 tons. The figure is based on the carbon footprint calculator that TCEB co-developed with TGO. In 2022 and in the years to come, TCEB will maintain and promote CO2 emission policy and initiative.
Additionally, TCEB has implemented since 2018 the Food Waste Prevention project that has helped MICE entrepreneurs to reduce over 300,000 kg of food waste with over 37 million baht in economic value. Such output helped reduce carbon footprint by more than 781 tons.
“TCEB believes that the co-operation of 8 allied organisations will become a strong movement that drives forward Thailand’s MICE and tourism forward, enabling them to respond to changes in the global new normal, creating competitive advantages in the global market and growing Thai MICE industry in alignment with sustainable society in the future.” concluded Mr. Chiruit.
For further information, please contact: Corporate Image and Communication Department
Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (Public Organization)
Visage Company
Ms. Yuphaporn Lertsattakit Tel: + 662 616 6749- 50